It was a great turn out and as far as I know everyone enjoyed the food and loved the wine tasting. It was especially nice to reconnect with some people like the Kings, who I have not seen for 10 years. If any of you have connections with importer/exporters in China, they would like to hear from you. The Prochaskas were able to share their building experience with Tony and Melissa who just bought their land on Hi-Land Lake in Pinckney. We heard about some haunting experiences in one house in Chelsea. We saw Ralph with the new love of his life, both beaming after their return trip to the Caribbean. Michelle is happy as a clam in her Ann Arbor condo and we received the best compliments ever – 2 new listings. Pictured with Kathy are Eastern Michigan University professors. The two hours went by so fast many of us agreed we want to do this more often. Looking forward to the next Ann Arbor client celebration.
Kathy Toth and Team 734-669-0337
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