EMU Proposes Idea for a Two-Sided Digital Billboard to City of Ypsilanti
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Imagine driving east or westbound on I-94 and coming upon a digital billboard that resembles a plasma-screen television. The two-sided billboard gives motorists multiple, static messages — anything from Eastern Michigan University's homecoming date to a downtown festival in Ypsilanti — eight seconds apart.
And the billboards and advertising would be free to EMU.
Eastern Michigan University and the Ypsilanti Area Convention and Visitors Bureau want to team up with the City of Ypsilanti to provide free advertising, year-round, for all three entities. The groups already have conceptual letters of support from the Ypsilanti Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Development Authority. "We're approaching you to be the first city in southeastern Michigan to have a digital billboard," said Ted Coutilish, associate vice president for EMU's Office of Marketing and Communications, who presented the proposal at the May 2 City Council meeting. "Ypsilanti is designated as a Cool City. I don't think there would be anything more cool than to have this sign."
Under the proposal presented, advertising firms CBS Outdoor and Adams Outdoor would compete to pay to remove an existing sign at I-94 and Exit 183 and 30-foot pole that is rusting and leaning on overgrown property owned by the City of Ypsilanti. In its place, the chosen outdoor advertising company would construct and pay for a 65-to-75-foot pole and two-sided digital billboard (14-feet-high by 48-feet wide), maintain the site, and absorb all electrical and maintenance costs in perpetuity.
Each company proposes the cost to build the billboards would exceed $1 million, with free advertising provided to EMU, the Ypsilanti Area Convention and Visitors Bureau and the City of Ypsilanti. Of the five, eight-second advertising loops available on either side of the billboard, the three entities would share one loop on each side.
…… By Ron Podell, Focus EMU
INTO THE DIGITAL AGE: Eastern Michigan Universityand the Ypsilanti Area Convention and VisitorsBureau want to team up with the City of Ypsilanti toprovide free advertising, year-round, for all threeentities. CBS Outdoor and Adams Outdoor want tocompete for the bid to construct a digital billboard (above left) on city property at I-94 and Exit 183.The digital billboard, if approved, would replace anoutdated sign and pole (above, right) at theovergrown site. Either company would build and payfor the sign, and provide free advertising to the threegroups.

I have a bill board on Baker Rd in Dexter and have had one seller list her house with me as a result of this in spite of the reduced traffic. Currently there is construction at the I 94 Baker exit to widen Baker Rd. Dexter Schools has a digital billboard on Baker and I appreciate reading their activity dates as they are posted.
Kathy Toth &Team
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